The best place to buy and sell your real estate

We will sell an apartment, house, garden...

About Us

Operative Assistance


To be a professional intermediary between property owner and client, understanding their needs and satisfying them to the maximum extent. Professionally consult clients on all matters related to real estate.


Become a well-known and recognized leader in the real estate field.


Brokers oriented toward clients and their needs, applying principles of trust, respect, and partnership in their interactions; they act promptly, innovatively, and creatively, adhering to the principle that keeping pace with the times yields good results and leadership opportunities.

In the OPPA real estate agency, brokers work under individual activity certificates, being independent and responsible. The primary focus in the agency is on improving broker qualifications and continuous learning, setting individual goals, productive work, and achieving results. New brokers have their mentors with whom they consult, solving work-related issues or clarifying complex legal, financial, and ethical situations. A clear, precise, and balanced training system creates conditions for the professional development of the team, encouraging each collaborator's leadership and responsibility for their performance. The agency prioritizes teamwork. Among brokers, there is a prevalent sense of friendliness and trust, respect, and collegiality. The team is encouraged not only to work but also to enjoy leisure time together, constantly seeking meaningful activities and beneficial experiences.



The brokers of OPPA agency communicate simply and sincerely, seeking points of contact with all clients and striving together for the best results.


The OPPA agency is attentive to all its clients and brokers, regardless of their age or social status; it listens to clients' needs and strives to satisfy them to the fullest extent.


The OPPA agency aims for all actions related to real estate transactions to be carried out skillfully and professionally.


The brokers at OPPA agency work as a cohesive team where each broker's individual achievements are valued and encourage others to improve, thereby enhancing the overall agency performance.


OPPA agentūra rūpinasi, kad brokeriai nuolat tobulėtų, todėl rengia mokymus bei seminarus brokeriams aktualiomis temomis, susijusiomis su pardavimais ir naujovėmis NT rinkoje.

Leading in the real estate market

Our agency's brokers aim to be the best in real estate, and Oppa agency helps them achieve that.

The history
OPPA agency began its operations in August 2009. Initially, it operated as a franchise of a well-known international company. However, in December 2009, the decision was made to offer brokers and property owners more attractive and competitive conditions by relinquishing the franchise. An original and distinctive name, "OPPA Agency," was proposed to clients and brokers. The name of the OPPA Agency became well-known in the city of Vilnius.

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Gabija Čeponytė
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Akvilė Stancelytė
Nekilnojamojo turto brokerė

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Andrius Januškevičius
Andrius Januškevičius
Nekilnojamojo turto brokeris

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